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How To Cure Cracked Corners Of The Mouth

If the corners of your mouth are cracked or split you may be suffering from what is called Angular Cheilitis.

Angular Cheilitis is an inflammatory sore in the corner of your mouth. This can become split, cracked and very painful. In severe cases it can lead to the cracks bleeding when your mouth is opened. Many people around the world suffer from this at sometime in their lives and this can be a very annoying experience. What causes your mouth to crack? and is there a treatment to heal the cracks so you no longer have to suffer?

There are a few potential causes of Angular Cheilitis, however the real cause of it is not really known.

Some of the potential causes are:

1/ bacterial or fungal infection such as a yeast infection. Angular Cheilitis is commonly suffered at the same time as a bacterial or fungal infection. It is not known if the bacterial or fungal infection causes the cracks or if the cracks appear first and are then infected. These types of infection are usually treated with an antifungal cream or something similar prescribed by your doctor.

2/ Some people think that it is caused by an iron or Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins are needed for our bodies to function at its best so if Angular Cheilitis is caused by a lack of Vitamins then simply taking a vitamin supplement could help.

3/ Weakened immune system. Elderly people tend to get Angular Cheilitis because their immune system has become weakened,

4/ Bad dentures, over bite and drooling at night can lead to a build up of saliva collecting at the corners of the mouth leading to Angular Cheilitis.

The usual treatment for sufferers is 1% Hydrocortisone to apply to the corners of your mouth. However a lot of people complain that if you stop using the cream the Angular Chelitis comes back.

Angular Cheilitis Cure!

Cracked corners of the mouth can last from a few days to a few months at a time. Not only can it be painful but it is also embarrassing with sufferers usually being very self conscious about it.

Is there a better treatment that can free you from the pain and also the embarrassment of those cracked corners of your mouth? The good news is that there is a way to cure it and it can be cured naturally using ingredients you likely already have in your home.

Darryl has a degree in Anatomy and a keen interest in health. Would you like to find out more about a natural way to get rid of Angular Chelitis once and for all? Using ingredients you probably already have in your home! To find out more Visit:

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